Sunday, August 2, 2009

Eighth Sunday after Trinity

Today was the Eighth Sunday after Trinity Sunday. Sunrise temperature on Mount Olympus was a lovely 54°F under bright blue skies. By the time church ended, we were at 83°F. Although we had at least eight of our regular attendees on travel, the lure of Free Teen Guitar Class Sunday brought out a large congregation and on time! We had 34 people at the service.

Free Teen Guitar Class Sunday and the Gathering Songs
Today the gathering songs were played by the entire Free Teen Guitar Class. Playing today were:

Delaney Sullivan, Nick Hanson, Shanon Peckham, Cee Gould, Andrew Palmore, Grayson Lang, Nick Patton and Ironhand himself.

In a way they were not as successful as usual, as they did not gather anyone. On the other hand, the kids did a great job as everyone got there early to hear them, thus no gathering required!

All in the way you look at it. From the Beadle’s perspective, the glass was so full, it runneth over!

The gathering songs this Sunday were:

• Just a closer walk
• Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord
• The King of Love

With the exception of Acolyte and Guitarist Nick Patton on the bass, all of the kids were beginners. That means they have only been guitars about six weeks. Six weeks, mind you. In addition to the gathering songs, they played:

• Joyful, joyful
• When the saints go marching in
And, right after the service
• Joyful, Joyful or Ode to Joy, the rock version

I know you are thinking, six weeks; six lessons. How good can they be? The answer is they were great. All the kids have been practicing and it really showed. This is not strum by the numbers, the guitarists were really playing real notes and it really showed.

What a great job!

Father Acker’s Pre-Service Class - Around the Bible in 370 days by popular demand
Today was the summary of Father Acker’s New Testament series: The New Testament in 10 minutes. He ran over by seven seconds, but close enough for religious work! What a fun time it was to get an overview of the New Testament in just 10 minutes. Can’t be done? Can be and was be! If you were there, you know what a great job he did. If you weren’t, you should wish you were.

The summary was done in a kind of Iron Chef format, or so the Beadle understands.

As is customary, the class started with one of the Collects for the Day, applicable to the subject at hand, in this case the Second Sunday in Advent:

BLESSED Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning; Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of thy holy Word, we may embrace, and ever hold fast, the blessed hope of everlasting life, which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Second Sunday of Advent BCPp92

The New Testament or Covenant or Contract between God and the people started with Jesus coming to earth. It is so significant that time is based on His arrival, BC is Before Christ and AD is Anno Domine (Year of the Lord). Do not be tricked by humanist atheists who would use BCE, Before Common Era, and CE, Common Era. The only thing they have in Common is they recognize the birth of Christ as the turning point. Before you are tricked into using BCE / CE consider the explaining you will have to do if you turn your back on the Lord.

Back to the story:

The time chosen for Jesus to come to earth, while planned since the beginning of the world, was no coincidence, though the conditions were a confluence. The time was right for gospel to spread like wildfire, there were:

• Common Language
• Pax Romano
• Roman Roads

Common Language
Although Rome ruled the entire “civilized world”, the common language was Greek. Everyone spoke Greek. Romans spoke Latin and Greek, Jews spoke Aramaic and Greek, Samaritans spoke Samraian and Greek; you get the idea.

Pax Romano
Cruel as they could be, harsh as their laws were, Romans kept the peace in a violent time. You could travel in relative safety anywhere in the civilized world.”

Roman Roads
Speaking of travel, the Romans built first class roads everywhere they went. Real roads in straight lines that are still used today.

As never before and never since, you could travel relatively easily and safely anywhere in the civilized world” and talk to the people when you got there.

The first four books of the New Testament:

• Matthew
• Mark
• Luke
• John

The first three are referred to as the synoptic gospels. They cover the life of Jesus from varying viewpoints:

• Birth
• Grew up
• Public ministry at 30 years old
o 3 year ministry
• Put on trial
• Crucified, buried, and resurrected

John was written about 40 years later by John while he was on Patmos near the end of his life. John’s gospel is favored by many as a reference for New Testament theology.

The four gospels talk of Jesus’ life as the:

• Lord of our Will
• Lord of our Heart
• Lord of our Mind

Christianity spread with the Roman Empire, in no small part to a Roman, Saul of Tarsus. Saul, a Roman Pharisaic Jew and persecutor of Christians, was converted on the Road to Damascus. He took the name Paul and became the Chief Evangelizer to the Gentiles (non-Jews). Paul wrote 14 of the 27 Books of the Bible in the form of Epistles or letters.

Paul codifies salvation by grace through faith, God’s readiness to accept us, our need to respond to Him, the need to use the gifts we have been given, the need to reflect God’s love for us in our dealings with others. He dealt with early problems in the various churches he established during his travels of heresy, Gnosticism, jealousy and divisiveness. All the issues that lead away from Christ, rather than towards him.

Then we have the penultimate books, James, do what is right; Peter, keep your eyes and hope fixed on Christ; John and Jude, beware false prophets.

Then we come to the final book, The Revelation of Saint John the Divine. This book brings together the Old Testament and Apocrypha with the New Testament. It opens with Creation and ends with the New Creation

• Theme is Salvation
• Conflict is Sin
• God is the Main Character

Revelation comes back to where it started…

When it is all said and done, "My memory is nearly gone, but I remember two things — that I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great Saviour." --John Newton

Each Sunday there are Propers: special prayers and readings from the Bible. There is a Collect for the Day; that is a single thought prayer, most written either before the re-founding of the Church of England in the 1540s or written by Bishop Thomas Cranmer, the first Archbishop of Canterbury after the re-founding. The Collect for the Day is to be read on Sunday and during Morning and Evening Prayer until the next Sunday. If you have a hard time remembering, “Do I read the Collect from last Sunday or next Sunday during the week?” Remember Sunday is the first day of the week. There are also two Bible readings, the Epistle, normally a reading from one of the various Epistles or letters in the New Testament, and the Gospel, a reading from one of the Holy Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Collect is said by the priest as a prayer, the Epistle can be read by either a designated reader (as we do in our church or by one of the priests) and the Holy Gospel, which during the service is read by an ordained priest.

The Collect for the Eighth Sunday after Trinity follows:

The Eighth Sunday after Trinity.

The Collect.

O GOD, whose never-failing providence ordereth all things both in heaven and earth; We humbly beseech thee to put away from us all hurtful things, and to give us those things which are profitable for us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Tim Macauley read the Epistle, which came from Paul’s letter to the Romans, the Eighth Chapter, beginning at the Twelfth Verse. Paul tells us to live out our lives as Jesus instructed us to. If we live as we want, we die and are gone. If we live as Jesus commanded, we will live through to eternity. Life is not about here, it is about doing well enough here so we can get there. If we want the fruits of the heirship we have been given, we must live the part:

BRETHREN, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit himself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

Today’s Gospel started in the Seventh Chapter of the Gospel according to St. Matthew, beginning at the Fifteenth Verse. Matthew records the warning that so few heed. Many leaders talk a good line, but how do they actually act, particularly in private? For it is private when none are looking that we are revealed. If you want to get to heaven, you have to act the part, not just talk about it.

BEWARE of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Sermon – Personality – the P in SHAPE
We will come back to this, but SHAPE is the word of the next few weeks. Actually, not really a word, but an acronym :

Spiritual Gifts

The word of the week is personality. God has given us each a personality to be used for His purpose. People are quiet or noisy, talkers or listeners, outspoken or silent. It matters not. So long as you put God’s will first, you will have a way to serve God with your personality. God first, then you. Let God lead the way and you follow. Listen to what He says and do your best to follow His will.

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God.
Romans 8.14

New Nametags
We had three new nametags today.
Tom Strouse, Cory Maciejewski and Ginger Strouse

Birthdays and Anniversaries
No reported anniversaries today. We celebrated Charley’s 11th birthday with her today.

After Church Hospitality
Diane Chase brought snacks today. Ear cookies, sweet rolls, four kinds of cheese, crackers to go with the cheese, a veggie platter, a couple dozen dog nuts and with Alice’s help, some peanut butter cookies. Snacks were excellent. Sadly, Greg and Jack missed them.

Command Master Chief Brewer Macauley had the duty today, coffee was great! Father Acker made his low carb lemonade. The lemonade was great and due to the temperature, it was gone!

After church goodies providers as currently signed up:

Date Name
9 August 2009 Holly Lizak (black olive egg salad sandwiches!)
16 August 2009 Jan Macauley (deviled eggs!)
23 August 2009 Dru Arnold
30 August 2009 Traci Huber
6 September 2009 Alice Acker
13 September 2009 Bishop Boyce will be joining us for a BBQ!

People in our Prayers -
Prayer is an extremely important activity.
It is not that God knows not our needs, for He surely does. Yet, Jesus commanded us to ask God for those same needs. In addition to the obvious of asking God for help, offering thanksgiving and the like, prayer helps us focus our thoughts on how we might do God's work.

The Prayer Team of the Alpine Anglican Church of the Blessed Trinity was established to help our members and fellow Christians pray for those in need and to give thanks as well for the blessings we have been granted.

Who can be on the list?
Do I have to be a member of the Blessed Trinity Church to be prayed for? No! The only qualification to be on the list is that you want our prayer team to pray for you. We are Christians and are happy to pray for you, no matter who you are. If you want help from God, you are our kind of people.

What is the commitment from the prayer team?
Each member of the team will pray for the desired outcome at least once per day.

How do I get myself or someone else on the prayer list?
You can email one of the prayer team leaders: Greg - or Dru -, or call the church office at (619) 722-1772 or fill out a prayer card at church.

What should I ask for?
Depends on what you want. Some people merely want God to be asked to heal their ills and be mentioned by their first name, others want a specific outcome and / or have more of their personal information known to the team. Ask for what you want. It is your desire and need for prayer the team is attempting to meet. For typical examples, see the list below.

Updating the Team
If you are on our prayer list, or if you have submitted a person that you have asked us to pray for, please update one of the team members or Father Acker in person, by telephone or email. It helps to be able to pray specifically for these individuals including their specific needs; plus if they get better, it is nice to give thanks!

Please note on the yellow (maybe green or orange, if you get an old one) cards at church, you can ask that those to be prayed for have their names disseminated to the "prayer team". Those names will be said in church and appear here. Or, you can ask their names and purpose be kept confidential, then only Father Acker will pray for them.

Jack and Greg are on travel this week.
Father and Alice are on travel this week.
Dru and Hap are on travel this week.
Ryan is on travel this week.
Aaron, Traci and Warren are on travel this week.
Chris, Stephanie, Andrew and Alex are on travel this week.
Jesse left for a mission trip to Costa Rica on 23 July 2009.
Erika left for a mission trip to Panama on 25 July 2009.

Repose of the Soul
Bay Bigbee passed away Thursday 2 July 2009 at 1620 as the result of liver failure due apparent cancer in the organ. This is accompanied by kidney failure and other internal organ damage and infection. Please pray for God’s grace for Bay, as well as comfort and guidance for his wife Michelle.

Lucrecia passed away due to cancer. Please pray for the repose of her soul and comfort for her family and friends who remain.

Charlotte passed away from stomach cancer. Please pray for her soul and comfort for her friends and family who remain behind.

Salvador (cancer), Marge, Karl, Christian, Wanda, Lois, Jennette (Alzheimer’s), Ruth, Connie, Tom, Crystal, Thomas, Hadley, Diane, Norm, Gregory, Nancy, Bill (infection), Ernie, Ray, Hazel, Bruce (heart attack), Susanne, Paul (stroke), Ralph+ (prostate cancer), Allison (kidney), Bill (ETOH poisoning and gout), Kai, Jay, Tim, Diane, Amy (Thyroid cancer), Evelyn, Debbie, Joanna (stroke) [granddaughter of Father Holland a diocesan priest], June (cancer surgery), Susan, Jeff, David (leg injury), Judy, who suffers from mental illness, is undergoing tests for cancer, Jon, Sue (surgery recovery), Greg, June (cancer), David (leg sprain), Cheri, David, Keith (ruptured disk), Ben, Michael (heart valve replacement), Walter (skin cancer), Gabriella (surgery), Curtis, Doyle, Martha, Muriel, Richard, Ralph+, Jeffrey, Rod, Gary (sepsis; ICU), Dick (hip surgery), Mark, Jeffery, Charles (restricted artery to brain and broken arm), Amy (staph infection), Jennifer, Curtis, Steve (cancer), Paula, Ashton, Marjorie, Naomi (early labor)

Jackie was involved in a rollover car accident, her passenger was not injured, but she sustained a serious head injury. She is in an induced coma. Please pray the swelling will subside and she will regain consciousness and return to a normal life. Pray for the medical team treating her that they might do their best. Pray for her and her family who are very worried about her that they might lay their worries out for God to carry.

Bashir Ahmed, father of Shamim Gray, father in law of Commander Obra Gray for whom we prayed while he was deployed to Iraq and on various carrier deployments, is gravely ill. Bashir lives in London. He has been in the hospital for some time, it seems there is little they can do for him. Bashir had a major stroke the night of 15 July 2009. While he is not conscious, he is only lucid about half the time, cannot walk and is thus bed bound. Shamim sorted out a private nursing agency to sit with Bashir three nights out of the week. Her mum is so tired and refuses to leave him alone despite there being nurses in the ward area. That way Mum gets to sleep at home every other night. The problems is, though she agreed, she will not leave. Please pray for her to accept help and that the the medical staff will do their best for him. Please pray God will deliver a miraculous recovery for Bashir; if that not be God’s will, a departure in peace to His world for him. Please pray God will extend His Grace to Bashir and his family and that they will accept. Shamim keeps her faith in the Lord. Above all, please pray also for his family to open their hearts to accept all God’s love will bring them.

Tom S, recovering from brain surgery and continuing radiation treatment.

Maureen went back into the hospital for a third time with a heart rate at 190 bpm and hemoglobin at 7 (12 is normal/good). The good news is they tracked down the problem to a strain of streptococcus bacteria from a blood sample. They are treating her with an antibiotic that seems to be effective against this strain. The bad news is the infection has damage one of the heart valves and weakened a second. So once the infection is fully treated, she will need heart surgery to replace the two valves. Please continue your prayers for healing and offer a thanksgiving doctors were guided to find the actual cause of the problem. Maureen will not be able to attend her daughter’s wedding in Hawaii in two weeks. Pray everyone involved will concentrate on the good and not the missing of the wedding.

Vera Zimmers had successful surgery last Monday for early stage two colon cancer. That is the end of the treatment, no chemotherapy. Please pray for a complete recovery.

Sonny Discar is in Grossmont Hospital with H1H1 virus - Swine flu, which he apparently contacted in France. In addition, he has staph infection. This will likely lengthen his ICU stay and can delay breathing on his own again. Sonny’s family asks that we pray the staph infection be eradicated within Sonny’s body; that those who are frightened of the Swine Flu be at peace; that Sonny’s body fight this disease effectively; that the doctors identify each situation and choose the best treatment method; for his family to walk in peace and strength; for Sonny to begin breathing on his own again; for his wife Melinda and his children and family to trust the Lord and bring encouragement to each other.

Madelyn Calvert born Sunday 7 June 2009 to Sarah at 24 weeks and one pound seven ounces. She is doing well and now weighs TWO POUNDS! Thanks be to God for her continued growth. Please pray Madelyn will continue to grow and for God’s love for her and her family on the roller coaster of ups and downs. Pray for them to reach out to those around them who would provide support with God’s help. Pray for the medical personnel taking care of Madelyn.

Mark Wilson underwent skin cancer surgery on his face 21 May 2009. He just completed four weeks of radiation treatment. He is concerned about the effect this will have on his business. Please pray for his peace of mind and well as remission of the cancer.

Hy cannot put much weight on her leg. She does not know why and so far the doctors have not been able to diagnose a problem. But, things are much better and she is getting around on using a cane. She asks you pray for her healing and guidance for those treating her.

Mary Garcia fell and broke her hip on 18 April 2009. She had successful surgery and made it home. She is having problems with diet and her diabetes. Please pray for Mary to accept God’s help with her various difficulties and also for Gil to have strength to care for her.

Lise, originally diagnosed with "peritoneal cancer", has undergone multiple surgeries and chemotherapy. Lise's doctors hope she is in remission, but are uncertain and do not know if she will be with us for more than a year. Her friend requests that you please pray for continued healing and full remission for Lise; and, and please pray that God might give wisdom and guidance to all of her medical providers. Lise appreciates your support and prayers.

Jan has just recovered from her fifth cancer surgery. The medical prognosis is good. Her friend asks you pray for Jan's continued healing and complete remission; and, please pray God might give wisdom and guidance to all of her medical providers.

Lauralee underwent a lumpectomy on Friday after Thanksgiving and into targeted radiation therapy for 10 days. Please pray for a complete remission of the cancer. Pray also Lauralee will maintain her great attitude and trust in God.

Tim, brother of Lauralee, had a stroke and extremely high blood pressure and is now recovering. Pray for a full recovery.

Mary Parker is home. Please give thanks for her great recovery and continued progress.

Evelyn Hunt has asked for prayers of dealing with the residual pain and other problems from her leg. She appreciates the phone calls. Most importantly, pray for her to keep a good attitude and maintain a trust in God, so she will not worry.

Miney Farrell is thankful for her recovery from pneumonia. She is enjoying having her son and daughter in law back from a month trip around the Pacific.

Lorraine Winkles is still dealing with shingles (now over 34 months). The level of discomfort varies but the condition is persisting. She is in amazing spirits and sends her love to all.

Kay Denton (Mrs. Kay) is still home and doing pretty well considering the bones in her neck and hands are degenerating as a side effect of her kidney failure. Mrs. Kay asks that everyone who is praying for her know how grateful she is for their prayers. As always, she retains her trust in the Lord and her positive attitude. 

Nicole Ethridge - age 28, mother of two - has a form of liver disease FSCS, which was causing her liver to shut down. The disease has apparently gone into semi-remission. She is doing very well and coming off medications. Please pray for her continued remission and her continued faith and good spirits, as well as strength to take care of her children.

Caroline (age 11, leukemia recurrence) is doing very well following her bone marrow transplant 17 July 2008. Please keep praying as Caroline has a 40% chance of recurrence of her leukemia.

Natalie (age 10, leukemia recurrence) has not responded to any treatment since her relapse. She is nearing the end of her time here on earth unless there is a God given miraculous remission of the cancer. Her family knows Natalie is in God's hands and they are praying for a miracle. Help them with their faith, let them understand God does not always give what we want, but what we need. As she apparently nears the end of her time here on earth please pray for her transition to home and for her family who will be, of necessity, left behind.

Tom, Mary, Lloyd & Jennifer to be guided to a church
Breyana, Vie, Asha, Cory, Heather, Holly, Ken, Maruja, William, Joe, Alexander, Jonathan, Phil, Sandy, Larraine, Brad, Brian, Uni, Jennifer, Margie, Rick, Susan, Curtis, Donny, Chris, Eric (job), Andrew, Keith (job decision), Sara (God's grace and His patience), Mark, Alexandra, Perlita, Lewis, Sam, Susie, Dru, Jack, Tina, William, Christina, Tuck, Lorraine (death of husband), Jeff, Christiana (God’s grace), Tara (divorce), Patricia & her family, Errin, Elizabeth, Brandon, Steven, Nelson, Ashley, Ruth, Virginia, Betty who is considering moving into an assisted living home, Nick, Pat, Caroline, Stephen, Greg (vocation guidance and training for the diaconate), Stephanie, Richard, Daniel

Paul S suffers from severe schizophrenia remains stable with his medication, but needs God’s guidance. He gives thanks for improvement in his housing situation.

Linda is embarking on a new venture to bring music therapy to developmentally challenged young people from a Christian perspective. She is investigating the potential need and environment south of the American border. She asks that you pray for her that she might discern God’s will, her abilities and the need; grant her safe travel.

Hap asks you to pray that he might be able to trust God will help him make the right decisions at the right time and not to worry uselessly.

Guidance and Protection
Christina, Sarah

Economic Guidance and Assistance
Keith has been unable to find any full-time work since his custom home drafting business of 25 years really dropped off last year. He is working as a handyman, doing tile work, painting, home repairs, etc. Their family has a great deal of debt from Susanne’s medical needs. Pray also for God's peace to comfort them and for His leading and wisdom to be very evident to them.

Mark’s business is very very slow, he asks that God point him to new markets and give him guidance in following God’s will that his business might survive and his employees not lose their livelihood.

Please give thanks for Kevin in the UK who has found a job. Please continue to pray he will find a position that will maintain his family and where he can use his talents to make a positive impact on the world. Please pray also for his family, in particular his wife Beverley, that they might open their hearts and minds to God’s guidance.

To Find Employment
Eric, Keith, Kevin and Eric each to find a job that will allow them to use their skill and talent to make their new employer more successful.

Shawna’s father lost his job in March 2009. After 33 years of working, he has been unable to find work. Please pray that he will find a job that will allow him to use his talents to make his new employer more successful. Pray also that he might put his trust in the Lord and look outward; that he might turn his heart away from depression and towards God. Pray also for his family in this very stressful time. Shawna ask that we pray for all those out of work that they might find gainful employment. There is little worse for a person than no work to turn to and no way to support their family.

Homebound/Aged and Infirm
Mary, Donna, Betty, Noko, Adelaide, Evelyn, Lorraine, Ellie

Armed Forces & Contractors
Tillman, Justin, Evan, RJ, Matt, Phillip, Julian, John Kelly (USN - USS Ronald Reagan), Evan (USMC-Afghanistan), Eric (USN-Afghanistan), Stuart (USMC-Afghanistan), Airman Donny Patton is attending Technical Training School in the electronics field in Wichita Falls, TX, Eric (USN-Afghanistan through May 2010),

Aaron gives thanks for passing his Board Examination.

Chaplain Larry Witherspoon is returning to work after a stroke before Christmas. With God’s strength holding him up, he made incredible progress. Please give thanks on behalf of Larry, his wife Sheila and his family.

Linda’s leg infection, the result of an open cut sustained in a fall, has healed nicely. Please give thanks for the healing.

Tieko received a kidney transplant and appears to be doing well. Please give thanks for the successful surgery and pray there will be no rejection.

Vince (12 yrs) has bone cancer (a teammate of Andrew B). Please give thanks for his completion of chemotherapy and doing well in follow-up. Please pray non-recurrence of the cancer, as well as that he and his family might put their trust in God and accept His comfort and encouragement in this difficult time.

Around the world, Christians are under attack, not only in the Muslim world, but from Hindus and others in India. Also, they are under continual attack in the western world as it becomes actively atheist or pro-devil buddy. Please pray for God’s guidance and protection for all persecuted Christians and those around them.

Free Teen Guitar Class
Please join us in praying that the Free Teen Guitar Class will be an opportunity for God to work in the lives of the kids and their families. Help us to let the love of our Lord shine through us into their lives, putting Him first, so that He might enter in to their hearts and lives.

Question that only you can ask
What would you like to know about our history, what we believe, what we do or how we operate? Father Acker is looking for material for the continuing education class and the Beadle is looking for Thought for the Day material. Help us help you. Please send your question to the Beadle so we all can get an answer. Just because you don’t know the answer to your question doesn’t mean you are the only one who doesn’t know. But, if you don’t ask, no one will know.

I’d like to get a different point across or announce something
If you have a different point of view, I would be happy to give you room to get your point across. While this publication is my perspective on events, I recognize not everyone may agree and that some people would like to express their own opinion. If you want to write something, please forward your item to the Beadle (with a note as to whether or not you would like editing help) to:

Youth from Denver – From Father Acker
The Youth Group from Denver stopped at Alpine Anglican.

Joined by some of our local folk, we visited San Diego’s Mission de Acala and Presido, grilled bratwurst, and a swim in the Victoria Vicarage pool, which was steaming in the early evening at a pleasant 99 degrees.

Much water was splashed during the Canonball Contest and a shift to a lively game of Monopoly—Nick was a co-winner when they quit at 1:00am. The next morning, with a predictably slow start we all headed to Carlsbad for some beach and surf, volunteer help with the “Fill-a-Belly” meal program, a meal and conversation with those needing a free meal—a new experience for many of the kids. Before settling into another game of Monopoly (Dru Arnold supplied us with the game—many thanks—Pass Go; Collect $200) we strolled over to Stone Cold for an ice cream confection (Phil, the Denver youth leader, made a side stop at the local Barista shop.) This came to a close my having suggested a fixed time limit {on keeping my eyes open}. The Denver group headed north to Disneyland disappointed they wouldn’t stay from opening til closing while we headed back to the East County for a sensible rest from the Youth Activities.

The Youth Group from Denver included the sponsors who I knew from 25 years ago and the kids were the children of some of my youth sponsors and other young adults I knew at the parish. The kids enjoyed seeing pictures of their parents and grandparents from a quarter century ago. Yes, there were a few potential blackmail pictures from the costume and Halloween events! “He had actual hair.” My apologies for the “Nerd Night” pictures. We got a few pictures on this trip too which will be enjoyed by the next generation!

- Lest you think there was no fun, they did say evening Prayer:

Free Teen Guitar Class (
The FTGC is now meeting Wednesdays at SCAIR Center in Alpine, (2218 Alpine Boulevard - across from Alpine Inn), the facility courtesy of Wanda Michaelis and Lona Walsh. The previous Class Schedule remains in effect:

FTGC New Class Schedule:

Advanced 2:30-3:20pm

Continuing 3:20-4:00pm (Beginners shift to Intermediate having learned all 6 strings and get to move on to chords)

Beginning 4:00-4:50pm (A new class & those redoing the material; it’s okay to do both Intermediate and Beginner classes)

For anyone wanting to start again this is the time!

Nashotah House Trip or The Trek
The Episcopal Church (TEC) has what is referred to as a “Conservative” Seminary at Nashotah, Wisconsin. Greg Chase is attending a one week class there working towards his diaconate. He and Jack Arnold are driving to and from the class. If their trip interests you, you can read about it real time here:

The guys started out Tuesday morning 21 July 2009, at 0830. They made it to the EAO, (Eastern Area of Operations) and set up their TOC (Tactical Operations Center) at the Oconomoc Hilton Garden Inn (ETOC). They left the ETOC on Saturday morning, Greg having survived the descent into the pit and are headed home. Their trip is being tracked real time by an automated GPS system. Jack is posting updates throughout the day and putting up photographs at night. There is a link to both the tracking page and the photo page on the web address above. This is quite an adventure for the pair. Join them on the road!

A little clarification, we are Anglicans. We are not TEC. TEC is pretty clearly not a Christian church. For reasons that seem unclear to your Beadle, Greg is taking classes at their seminary and apparently participated in their “religious” services. Because of the connection with TEC, Jack did not participate in any so-called “religious” services there. Greg and Jack are doing Morning and Evening Prayer (A Shorter Form) each day.

Today Jack and Greg attended the early service at Holy Trinity Church of the Anglican Church in America in Prairie Village, Kansas with a friend of Jack’s and reader of the Beadle’s Report, Paul Martin who lives nearby.

After church, Greg, Jack and Paul had breakfast, then the intrepid pair left for Amarillo, then Carlsbad, New Mexico (caverns and bats, don’t you know?), then on to Deming, New Mexico for dinner with Bishop Mott and his lovely wife, then home by Wednesday night.

Epistle Readers
We post the list of Epistle Readers in the Beadle’s Report each week so you can either plan your attendance or your pre-reading as the spirit so moves you.

Date Reader
9 August 2009 Greg Chase
16 August 2009 Ben Lizak
23 August 2009 Holly Lizak
30 August 2009 Alice Acker

The near future, as well as Next Sunday

Next Sunday is the Nineth Sunday after Trinity. Wonder if Father Acker will figure out something to do now that we are finished with the Bible. Or, given he is on vacation this month, will we just sing a few more songs? You will have to come Sunday to find out, won’t you?

See you next week on Sunday!

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