Today was the Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday, it was also the first Sunday of the month, thus Free Teen Guitar Class Sunday. The weather was warmer than last week with a sunrise temperature of 64°F on Mount Olympus. By the time church was over we were at 91°F. The beautiful weather brought out a total of 22 participants by service start.
Free Teen Guitar Class Sunday
This being the first Sunday of the month, the music was provided by Father Acker’s Free Teen Guitar Class (http://www.freeteenguitarclass.com). Playing with Father Ironhand were Andrew Boyd, Nick Patton and Jack Arnold. The music was great, we got to sing lots of fun songs and the kids did a super job!
Father Acker’s Pre-Service Class - Around the Bible in 140 days by popular demand
The customary pre-service class is on hold. The Ackers are back from vacation; BUT today Father Acker briefed us on our Diocese joining the Reformed Episcopal Church.
Reformed Episcopal Church
As many of you know, our parish is in the Diocese of the West under the leadership of Bishop Richard Boyce and Bishop Winfield Mott. The Anglican Province of America, with which the Diocese of the West has been associated for ten years has been in a merger process with the Reformed Episcopal Church of the United States (REC) for some time. The process envisioned a merger at this time. The Eastern Diocese of the Anglican Province of America has decided to stay their merger. Under the leadership of Bishops Boyce and Mott, the Diocese of the West has asked to be formally received into the REC.
Diocese of the West
Anglican Province of America
1040 NE 95th St.
Seattle, Washington 98115-2218
206-526-9020 Fax
E-mail bpboyce1@msn.com
The Rt. Rev. Richard J. Boyce OCD
September 4, 2008
To all of my brothers in Christ of the Diocese of the West,
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The lessons we have learned from GAFCON and Lambeth tell us plainly that change is in the wind. We have all served as Anglican ‘wannabees’ over the years. Already a new Province is being created for those of Orthodox Anglican truth and we will be a part of that.
For ten years the APA and the REC have been in communion with each other. Our Clergy are serving in the others Parishes. Our Communicants are worshipping in each others Parishes. Our Bishops are able to function Episcopally with each other.
We have requested that the REC receive the DOW into that intercommunion we have shared for these many years that we might work as one to bring the Gospel to all who are in need. Since the APA and REC remain in Communion with each other, we will continue to be in Communion with our brothers and sisters in the APA. We will keep you informed as we move ahead.
In the peace of Christ,
+Richard +Win
Bishop Ordinary Bishop Coadjutor
The time is ripe to continue the coalescing of the Anglican Church in North America right now. The Worldwide Anglican Communion is looking towards the Common Cause Partners to form a new Anglican Province here. The REC is the leader in the Continuing Church. We share their views on Scripture • Reason • Tradition; our form of worship is close enough to identical. We will give up nothing in the transition and gain much. There is no compromise on beliefs, these are our people, we remain with Bishops Boyce and Mott. This is very good news. You can trust the Beadle on this, he is hard core conservative in this matter.
For those of you who are not familiar with the Reformed Episcopal Church, please take time to read the following.
The oldest of the continuing churches, (http://rechurch.org/recus/recus/history.html) the Reformed Episcopal Church was organized in New York City in 1873 by eight clergymen and twenty laymen who were formerly priests and members of the Protestant Episcopal Church. A long debate over the excessive ritualism and exclusive attitude of the Protestant Episcopal Church toward other denominations lay behind the separation. The immediate cause of the division lay in the participation of Bishop George David Cummins, Assistant Bishop of Kentucky, at a Communion Service held in the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City. In the face of criticism and with the conviction that the evangelical and catholic nature and mission of the Protestant Episcopal Church were being lost, Bishop Cummins resigned as Assistant Bishop of Kentucky and transferred his Episcopal oversight to a new jurisdiction called the Reformed Episcopal Church.
Doctrine and organization of the Reformed Episcopal Church are similar to that of the Episcopal Church with several important exceptions:
• Holy Scripture is the highest authority in the Reformed Episcopal Church.
• The Reformed Episcopal Church vigorously holds to the plain understanding of the 39 Articles of Religion of the English Reformation and adopted them as the doctrinal standard of the Church at her founding.
• Clergymen ordained as Presbyters in other churches may be received into the ministry of the Reformed Episcopal Church. If their ordination is irregular, such orders must be regularized by the laying on of hands of a Bishop. Members are admitted on letters of dismissal from other Protestant denominations.
• Worship is liturgical. At Sunday morning worship, the use of the Prayer Book, recently revised to conform with the 1662 Book of Common Prayer (BCP), is required. The 1928 BCP is also authorized for use and in fact is the most common Book of Common Prayer in use. At other services the use of the Prayer Book is optional, while at any service extemporaneous prayer may be used by the minister.
• The triennial General Council of the Reformed Episcopal Church is not like the General Convention of the Episcopal Church USA since her bishops do not constitute a separate house but, rather, vote with the Clergy.
There are three Theological Institutions within the United States (Philadelphia, PA; Summerville, S.C.; Houston, TX). The Reformed Episcopal Church is in fellowship through concordat with the Free Church of England (Otherwise known as the Reformed Episcopal Church in England), the Anglican Province of America and the Anglican Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion). There are 13,422 members in 137 local parishes and missions. (Plus the new parishes and congregants of the Diocese of the West.)
Jan Macauley read today’s Epistle, which came from Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, the Third Chapter beginning at the Thirteenth Verse. Paul, writing to the church in Ephesus, prays that the people might “be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God.” More simply put, Paul asks that we open our hearts to God and to Christ, that they might work in our hearts the miracle of love.
I DESIRE that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory. For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Today’s Gospel started in the Seventh Chapter of the Gospel according to St. Luke, beginning at the Eleventh Verse. Jesus was going into the city of Nain with his disciples and many followers. “When he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her.” In those days, a widow with only one son had little, a widow with no son was in deep trouble. Taking compassion on her and also the opportunity to make His power evident, He came to the bier, and touch it said, “Young man, I say unto thee, Arise.” The young man arose and began to speak; whereupon Jesus brought him to his mother. Not surprisingly, news of this event was spread “forth throughout all Judæa, and throughout all the region round about.”
AND it came to pass the day after, that Jesus went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people. Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her. And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not. And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother. And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people. And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judæa, and throughout all the region round about.
Sermon – The Lord’s Prayer
We have one prayer for which we have explicit instructions from Jesus, The Lord’s Prayer. Did you ever stop to think what you are saying? Today Father Acker prayed the Lord’s Prayer out loud with input from God.
If you did not make it to church, find someone to read this with you. It will make an impression on you. It may change the way you think about praying:
Lord’s Prayer Dialogue
Our Father, who art in heaven…
GOD Yes, what is it?
We’ll have everyone just listen. Alright?
PERSON Our Father, who art in heaven…
GOD Hello, I’m here.
Could you wait till I’m done?
GOD You called me.
I did?
GOD Yes. You said, “Our Father, who art in heaven…”
PERSON Oh…I was just praying the Lord’s Prayer.
GOD And I was answering.
GOD Go ahead. I’m listening.
PERSON Uh…right. OK.
Our Father who art in heaven.
Hallowed be thy name…
GOD You really think so?
Think what?
GOD That my name is hallowed.
PERSON Hallowed?
GOD Yes…you know, holy. Do you respect my name?
PERSON Well, yeah. I guess I do.
GOD How about Friday on your way to visiting shutin…when you got behind that slow bus?
Oh that. Hey, I didn’t mean what I said then.
GOD How would you like it if everybody went around shouting “Oh Father Acker!” every time they hit their thumb with a hammer or got held up in traffic?
GOD I forgive you.
PERSON Look…this is gonna take forever if you keep interrupting.
GOD Would that be so bad?
GOD Talking with me forever.
PERSON I don’t know. I never thought about it.
GOD Well do. It might happen.
GOD God ahead. Keep going.
PERSON Alright.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…
GOD Whoa! You sure you want all that?
PERSON All what?
GOD My kingdom coming and my will being done…
PERSON Actually, I kinda like the “On earth as in heaven” part. We could use a little more heaven around here.
GOD So what are you doing about it?
GOD You want my will done. Who did you expect to do it?
PERSON Well I thought since it was your kingdom, that…uh…
GOD You can’t have a kingdom without subjects.
PERSON No, I guess not.
GOD Hey, it’s not that hard. All you really have to do is love me with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself…
PERSON Oh, brother.
GOD And sisters too!
PERSON Look, can we get on with this?
GOD Sure. Don’t let me stop you.
Uh…I forgot where I was.
GOD Give us this day…
PERSON Oh yeah…I got it. Give us this day our daily bread…
GOD You could use a little less bread actually.
PERSON Aw, come on…
GOD No really. You know half my people eat less meat in a year than you had for supper last night.
PERSON Picky, picky, picky.
GOD You want me to do what’s best for you, don’t you?
PERSON All I asked for was a little bread.
GOD And today, the bread I’m giving you is my help in holy communion, 15 minutes in bible study, a free evening with your wife, and a twenty-dollar deduction from your checking account for Ekklesia African Famine Relief.
PERSON All that…just for me.
GOD Just for you.
PERSON You really shouldn’t have.
GOD Hey, I like to give you good things.
PERSON Thanks a lot.
GOD Come on. On to the rest of the prayer.
PERSON Hey look, this is kinda dragging on. Why don’t we just take a break here.
GOD There’s not that much more.
I’d really rather stop.
Father Acker…
PERSON Ok, Ok…Forgive us our trespasses…
as we forgive those who trespass against us…
GOD What about Kathy?
PERSON I knew you were going to say that!
GOD Well?
PERSON Look, after all the things she’s done to me, you expect me to just forget about it?
GOD I don’t know…how do you want your forgiveness—with or without “forgetting?”
PERSON Now, come on—you know she’s not the least bit sorry. And she treats me like that all the time. I mean, enough’s enough!
GOD Whatever you say.
PERSON What do you mean “whatever I say?”
GOD Well it’s up to you. Right now, I’ll forgive you for everything as long as it’s not a repeated offense and you apologize first.
GOD As you forgive, so you are forgiven. You said it.
GOD What do you think?
I don’t know. I can try to forgive her, but what if I can’t pull it off?
GOD I’ll tell you what. You do your best, and I’ll do mine.
GOD And don’t worry. My best is pretty good.
GOD Now, just a little bit more.
PERSON Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil…Hey wait a minute! Isn’t that kind of a strange thing to pray? I mean you’re not gonna lead me into sin are you?
GOD I don’t know. You spend half your time asking me to.
GOD You love being tempted. You’re always hoping I’ll arrange things so you’ll be “Helpless in the face of Passions-Beyond-Your-Control.”
PERSON Well maybe once in a while, I wouldn’t mind a little innocent excitement, but…
GOD Father Acker…If you can honestly ask me not to lead you into temptation—maybe that means you’re halfway resolved to avoid it yourself.
PERSON Alright. You got me again. It seems like every time I open my mouth, there’s something else you want me to change.
GOD Sometimes you expect a little more out of your immediate family. Come on, time for the big finish.
For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever…
GOD Do you know what would really give me glory?
PERSON I’m afraid to ask.
Just…just keep talking with me…Ok?
Yeah…Yeah, I guess I can manage that.
GOD Amen?
Birthdays and Anniversaries
There were no reported anniversaries today. We got to celebrate Andrew Boyd’s 12th birthday today with him.
After Church Hospitality
Stephanie Boyd brought the goodies today. First and most important were the coconut cookies, honestly reported to be the actual product of Jan Macauley, Stephanie’s mom. These coconut cookies are great, we have it on excellent authority they taste even better pilfered directly from the freezer where they were hidden awaiting church. There was also carrot bread, quite good, pita bread and hummus.
Command Master Chief Brewer Macauley once again took time off from fishing and made excellent coffee. Father Acker got up early and made his famous low carb lemonade. Thanks!
After church goodies providers as currently signed up:
Date Name
14 September 2008 Bishop’s Visit and Beadle’s Party
21 September 2008 Alice Acker
New Nametags
We had no new nametags today.
People in our Prayers - http://www.blessedtrinityprayerteam.blogspot.com/
Prayer is an extremely important activity.
It is not that God knows not our needs, for He surely does. Yet, Jesus commanded us to ask God for those same needs. In addition to the obvious of asking God for help, offering thanksgiving and the like, prayer helps us focus our thoughts on how we might do God's work.
The Prayer Team of the Alpine Anglican Church of the Blessed Trinity was established to help our members and fellow Christians pray for those in need and to give thanks as well for the blessings we have been granted.
Who can be on the list? Do I have to be a member of the Blessed Trinity Church to be prayed for? No! The only qualification to be on the list is that you want our prayer team to pray for you. We are Christians and are happy to pray for you, no matter who you are. If you want help from God, you are our kind of people.
What is the commitment from the prayer team?
Each member of the team will pray for the desired outcome at last once per day.
How do I get myself or someone else on the prayer list?
You can email one of the prayer team leaders: Greg - gnchase@cox.net or Dru - dru@descansorodents.com, or call the church office at (619) 722-1772 or fill out a prayer card at church.
What should I ask for?
Depends on what you want. Some people merely want God to be asked to heal their ills and be mentioned by their first name, others want a specific outcome and / or have more of their personal information known to the team. Ask for what you want. It is your desire and need for prayer the team is attempting to meet. For typical examples, see the list below.
Updating the Team
If you are on our prayer list, or if you have submitted a person that you have asked us to pray for, please update one of the team members or Father Acker in person, by telephone or email. It helps to be able to pray specifically for these individuals including their specific needs; plus if they get better, it is nice to give thanks!
Please note that on the green or orange cards at church, you can ask that those to be prayed for have their names disseminated to the "prayer team". Those names will be said in church and appear here. Or, you can ask that their names and purpose be kept confidential, and then only Father Acker will know to pray for them.
Aaron, Traci and Warren are on travel this week.
Richard and Cathie are on travel this week.
Walter, Alice Acker’s uncle, passed away, his funeral is Tuesday, 2 September 2008. Of your Christian charity, pray for the repose of his soul and comfort for his family who remain here on earth.
Betty, Annie (diabetes), Salvador (cancer), Betty, Marge, Uni, Karl, Christian, Marie, Wanda, Frank+ (brain tumor), Lois, Jennette (Alzheimer’s), Gary, Delores, Anna, Ruth, Melanie, Connie, Tom, Crystal, Thomas, Hadley, Diane, Norm, Gregory, Terri, Mary, Carmen, Yolanda, Jodi, Ken, Sheila, Nancy, Leucrecia (cancer), Michele, Marybeth (broken foot, stroke), Bill (infection), Teiko, Ernie, Ray, Betty, Hazel, Bruce (heart attack), Susanne, Paul (stroke), Ralph+ (eyes hip), Allison (kidney), Bill (ETOH poisoning) , Joy, Kai, Jay, Tim, Diane, Amy (Thyroid cancer), Jim (pancreatic cancer), Lise (peritoneal cancer), Joy, Martha, Evelyn, Sheryal, Kenny (eye surgery)
Vince (12 yrs) who has bone cancer (a teammate of Andrew B)
Mary Parker has gone home from Sharp Memorial. She is still in the recovery process and in need to continued prayer. Please pray also for her family who are very concerned for her.
Alice, friend of Fran Dexter, had lung cancer and surgery five years ago and has been in remission. After she started coughing up blood, radiological testing found a spot on her lung. She underwent surgery on 5 September 2008, which apparently went well. Fran asks in particular you pray for peace of mind for both Alice and Rick that they might put their trust in God.
Kenny, who is to have eye surgery.
Denise, Father Acker's sister-in-law's niece, is in her early 30's and has started to have numbness in fingertips and toes. There was a concern she might have Multiple Sclerosis. Tests were done on 8 August 2008 and came back negative. They also did secondary tests for cancer cells that came back negative. They think she has carpel tunnel in her wrists and possibly needs some dental work for the numbness in her fingers and facial area. All the prayers are much appreciated, and we thank God for the wonderful test results.
Joshua Hamilton remains in SICU. He fell out of a car the morning of 27 July 2008. He sustained a closed head injury and potential spinal cord injuries. Joshua has undergone three surgeries to relieve pressure on his brain. He was in an induced coma, the coma inducing medication has been discontinued. He has not yet awakened. After his most recent surgery, he is now less responsive than previously. We are praying for God’s miraculous intervention and to do those things best for Joshua in his life with God. Please continue to pray for his wife, Tulani, and two children, Isaiah & Keanu, and of course his mom, Jo Ann, and his James brother who is in our FTGC, asking for God’s presence and comfort.
George, husband of LaVonda and friend of Susanne Barrett, whose bladder cancer has returned. George, the husband of my friend LaVonda, has been going through chemo after the recurrence of his bladder cancer. They are Christians who live in northern Georgia, and LaVonda has been such a prayer support for me when Susanne’s been ill. Saturday morning LaVonda e-mailed with this information:
George became very confused, the most he has ever been last night after we woke him up to bring him home from the hospital after the hydration was finished. He was completely talking out of his head. I don't know if this is normal for chemo after-effects or if it is because of kidney function being off and having toxins building up in his system. We have to go back today for more tests & more hydration, and we're hoping to come back home later today, but as of now I am unsure if he will be admitted. I didn't put all of this on the CaringBridge page because so many of the hospital employees read there also.
LaVonda is now talking to Carmen (Caroline's mom).
Specifically, you are asked to pray for:
• George to not react so strongly to the chemo;
• Not be so ill after each treatment;
• To be able to maintain, if not gain, weight;
• For his complete healing from the cance;
• For LaVonda as she cares for him with no outside help;
• For their children, Megan and George III, as they struggle with their dad's illness.
• George is becoming very discouraged so please pray for the peace and hope that are in Christ Jesus to fill his heart, no matter how much his body is suffering.
Glenn Finch – is awake and walking. Glenn was discharged this Thursday! He will be living with Ron and Caralie for awhile. Since he needs 24 hour supervision and help, we will be getting trained this Wednesday by the therapy team. Though we are thrilled to be there for him, it's a bit scary and overwhelming. Someone suggested that we set up a resource calendar defining all his needs, in case there are those who would like to help. So that's what we are doing. It will be on www.carecalendar.org; type in ID number - 6351 and Code - 7647 to get to Glenn's calendar. I'm working on it, so give me a day or so.
Also, if you would like to be a helper in any way, please send me your name, email address and phone number so we can begin a file. Send to normancj@cox.net. Glenn will need rides to and from rehab 5 days a week; meals; TLC visits; people to help him with his therapy homework on the weekends; people to hang out with him, errands, etc. Glenn's Mom, Ron and I really will need some help I think.
Please pray that insurance will give Glenn an outpatient rehab agenda that will last longer than a month so that he can get the most out of this crucial time to work on all the parts of his brain. Thanks for your continued thoughts, prayers and care. Caralie
Evelyn Hunt is just not feeling right. She has generalized shaking, pressure in her head, blurred vision, nausea and fatigue. Although she has undergone many tests, they have not been able to determine the cause of the problem. She goes back to the doctor on Tuesday for more results. Please pray for a determination of the cause of her problems, a cure and a cessation of the symptoms.
Miney Farrell has had pain and weakness in her leg that has been limiting her activity.
Lorraine Winkles is still dealing with shingles (now over 21 months). The level of discomfort varies but the condition is persisting.
Lona Walsh is in significant discomfort, but it looks like it is not Lupus. A recent MRI indicates she needs shoulder surgery on both sides, not great news, but much better than Lupus. She hopes for more information shortly, in the mean time, she asks that you continue your prayers for healing.
Kay Denton (Mrs. Kay) – is home from the hospital now, though she continues to have with heart, kidney and lung difficulties with fluid buildup on the lungs and what may be a form of septic arthritis. She is doing much better. Every so often she has a flare-up of the severe shoulder pain, accompanied by chills and shivering- but the last time it happened was much relieved by Cortisone injections. Also, please pray for her to maintain her positive attitude. As always, she retains her trust in the Lord, she thankful to get her positive attitude back. Pray also for Mrs. Kay’s family and her close friend Len who are under great stress that they might also keep their trust in the Lord. Mrs. Kay sent the Prayer Team a card and asks that everyone who is praying for her know how grateful she is for their prayers.
Nicole Ethridge - age 27, mother of two - Has a form of liver disease, which is causing her liver to shut down. She is near dialysis and would like you to pray for her disease to go into remission so that she can keep off dialysis and avoid a liver transplant. She asks that you pray for her continued faith and good spirits, as well as strength to take care of her children.
Caroline (age 10, leukemia recurrence) Update on Caroline from Caroline's mom, Carmen, 28 August 2008:
This has been quite an eventful week. It has been filled with joy and concern. Caroline is doing quite well. Her platelets and hemoglobin have both made very nice increases and she is in the normal range with both of those! Her liver enzymes have also continued to drop, but are still on the elevated side. Thank you to everyone who has been praying. One area of significant concern is her white blood cell count. It has skyrocketed. Dr. Rosenthal is not too concerned and assures us that this happens sometimes as the new marrow is trying to equalize. However, it is definitely something he is keeping an eye on. We are praying that her white blood cell count comes down to the normal range and that she is cured and rid of the leukemia.
Lloyd & Jennifer, Bob to be guided to a church
Ashley, Breyana, Vie, Asha, Cory, Heather, Holly, Ken, Maruja, Jerry, Martha, Matt, Marci, Nicholas, Carmen, Mary, John, William, Joe, Alexander, Jonathan, Phil, Sandy, Larraine, Brad, Brian, Uni, Jennifer, Greg, Margie, Phyllis, Walter, Rick, Carol, Susan, Curtis, Stephen, Donny, Chris, Eric (job), Andrew, Keith (job decision), Sara, Mark, Alexandra, Nelson, Perlita, Lewis, Sam & Susie
Sara, a good friend of John an old family friend of the Ackers. Sara has two small children and an abusive ex-husband. The ex-husband took the children and Sara is in court trying to get them back. The custody of her children is going to mediation (9/9/08). She has appreciated the prayers and is asking for the decision to be in the best interest of the children. Sara asks you pray that God’s will for these children will be realized and they will be put in the best custody situation possible. Please pray for God’s guidance in the lives of the ex-husband, John and Sara and that they might hear Him.
Guidance and Protection
Economic Guidance and Assistance
St. Andrew’s Academy (Lake Almanor, CA) Father Brian Foos (headmaster) – Please pray for help and guidance for the school, which is under severe pressure from economic down turn. You can pray and turn your heart towards this problem. If you can do something concrete to help them, contact Father Acker.
Eric and Eric both to find a job that will allow them to use their skill and talent to make their new company more successful.
Sonny and Carol have lost their business, their home is in foreclosure. Please pray that they might find an opportunity for gainful employment where they can use their talents to make a positive impact on the world
Please pray for Kevin in the UK. He has been looking for a job for a long time and is 52. Please pray he might find an opportunity for gainful employment where he can use his talents to make a positive impact on the world. Please pray also for his family, in particular his wife Beverley, that they might open their hearts and minds to God’s guidance for their future.
Homebound/Aged and Infirm
Mary, Donna, Betty, Noko, Adelaide, Evelyn, Lorraine, Ellie
Armed Forces & Contractors
Tillman, Justin, Evan, Jim, RJ, Matt, Phillip, Julian, Joe (USAF - Ali Al Salem AB, Kuwait), John Kelly (USS Ronald Reagan)
Anglican Communion
Archbishop Peter Akinola, the head of the GAFCON Primates’ Council has asked us to pray for our Anglican Communion. Specifically during September to December, we are bidden to pray for:
1. Guidance of the Holy Spirit upon the GAFCON Primates Council that they may be united in their leadership for the Gospel of Jesus Christ
2. Upholding the Bible as authoritative for the life, faith, and conduct of all Christians
3. Remaining faithful in the central task of the Church to mission and evangelism, saving the lost, bringing life and health to the poor and needy
4. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit to bring renewal, revival and transformation of individuals, communities, and societies
5. Anglicans to focus upon God’s agenda set forth in Scripture, God’s authority as given by Jesus Christ, and God’s mission in saving sinners and by the Holy Spirit turning them into saints
6. The setting aside all other agendas, that Jesus alone be Lord
Original Text follows -----------
----- Original Message -----
From: GAFCON@anglican-mainstreamnet
Subject: GAFCON Prayer Request
To: All GAFCON Participants & All Church, Diocesan and Provincial Intercessors
Grace and peace from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Praise and glory be to the One who was, the One who is and the One who sits on the throne for ever and ever. Amen.
The Primate of all Nigeria, the Most Rev. Peter Jasper Akinola has been moved in his spirit to call on all intercessors throughout the world to seek God's face fervently, spending nights and days on our knees, praying earnestly for our Anglican Communion. At his instigation, we therefore bring before you the first of a series of quarterly Prayer Bulletins, and ask that you join us in praying for the following:
1. Pray for a Spirit-led, united leadership for the GAFCON Primates Council, that they may remain faithful to the teachings of the Bible, steadfast in promoting the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and uncompromising in the pursuit of the truth of the word of God and the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Also pray for the GAFCON Theological Resource Group and the GAFCON Leadership team that they may remain faithful, focused and not distracted.
2. Lift up before the throne of grace the Jerusalem Statement, which represents the collective mind of the participants at GAFCON, as revealed by the Holy Spirit, that this statement may be a guide in the pursuit of the two fundamental resolutions of GAFCON, i.e. :
a. that the Bible be upheld as the final authority for the life, faith and conduct of all believers;
b. that mission and evangelism, saving the lost, bringing life and health to the poor and needy, remain the main tasks of the church.
3. Pray earnestly for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit powerfully to bring about renewal, revival and transformation of lives, communities and environments.
4. Pray for a clear focus for the Anglican Church to pursue God's agenda from Scripture, God's authority as given by Jesus Christ, and God's mission in saving sinners and turning them to saints through the work of the Holy Spirit. Pray sincerely that all other agendas be lost, and Jesus alone be Lord.
We count it a privilege to be called upon for this great task in the vineyard of the Lord.
The Lord be with you ,
+Most Rev. Dr. Benjamin A. Kwashi
Archbishop of Jos and Co-ordinator GAFCON Prayer Teams
Question that only you can ask
What would you like to know about our history, what we believe, what we do or how we operate? Father Acker is looking for material for the continuing education class and the Beadle is looking for Thought for the Day material. Help us help you. Please send your question to the Beadle so we all can get an answer. Just because you don’t know the answer to your question doesn’t mean you are the only one who doesn’t know. But, if you don’t ask, no one will know.
I’d like to get a different point across or announce something
If you have a different point of view, I would be happy to give you room to get your point across. While this publication is my perspective on events, I recognize not everyone may agree and that some people would like to express their own opinion.
If want to write an article or make an announcement, please forward your item to the Beadle (with a note as to whether or not you would like editing help) to the following address: thebeadle@mac.com.
Keeping Up to Date with the Parish and the World
In an effort to keep us in touch with each other and the Christian and non-Christian world, Father is posting updates at the Thursday Evening News, oddly enough on Thursdays. This is a nice mid-week update for us, drop in and take a look. It is also linked to from the various Beadle’s Blogs.
Epistle Readers
We post the list of Epistle Readers in the Beadle’s Report each week so you can either plan your attendance or your pre-reading as the spirit so moves you.
Date Reader
14 September 2008 Tim Macauley
21 September 2008 Dru Arnold
28 September 2008 Jack Arnold
5 October 2008 Alice Acker
19 October 2008 Ben Lizak
26 October 2008 Jack Arnold
Bishop and Mrs. Boyce Visit
Bishop Richard Boyce and his lovely wife Cathie will be making their annual visit to our parish on 14 September 2008. After Sunday’s service, we will be holding our annual Beadle’s Party at the Arnolds’ home. This is a guaranteed good time. With the Boyces about, it has to be. If you have never had a chance to talk to Bishop and Cathie, this is your chance. They are really wonderful people and we are lucky that they have committed their lives to our Lord’s cause.
For those of you who do not actually attend Alpine Anglican Church of the Blessed Trinity on a regular (or any other) basis, but read the Beadle’s Report or somehow hear of the party, you are very welcome and much encouraged to come. There will be maps and signs from the church, or e-mail the Beadle (thebeadle@mac.com) for instructions on how to get there. Church starts at 0830 (8:30 am) and ends at 0930 (9:30 am), we will be leaving for the Arnolds’ at about 0950 (9:50 am). You don’t even have to come to church, although your Beadle would not personally miss a chance to hear Bishop Boyce talk.
Mark Sunday 14 September 2008 on your calendar. Be there!
The near future, as well as Next Sunday
Next Sunday is the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity.
Come next Sunday and see if Father Acker remembers he is off vacation and there is a pre-service class. See if he remembers where he left off in the Bible tour or he finally tells us what the Green Season means.
What about the sermon? Will he preach on the Gospel or something all together different? Unless you come to the service, you will have to wait until you read the Beadle’s Report to find out.
See you next week on Sunday!
Alternate Sources of The Beadle’s Report
Father Acker posts a .pdf version of the current Beadle’s Report on the church website:
An alternative version of the Beadle’s Report a single photograph and simple text is available at:
or with one photograph per issue and colorful text at
All back issues of the Beadle’s Reports are available on request from:
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