Today was the Third Sunday in Lent. Sunrise temperature on Mount Olympus was a cool 39°F under the cloudy skies which precede a cold front passage. It was about the same down the hill at church, but a bit warmer at about 48°F by the time the service ended. Maybe the weather was a factor, but we ended up with 22 people showing up for the service.
Gathering Songs
Today Father Acker, Nick Patton and Jack Arnold provided the gathering songs. The talented trio played:
• Amazing Grace
• Humbly I adore thee
• Lord, I lift your Name on high
• That Wondrous Cross
As you may know, we have the Gathering Songs for a couple of reasons. Like the African Church where they originated, we don’t have obsessive compulsive timekeepers in our church, so people can kind of wander in when they feel like it and not be really late. Also, it helps us get in the mood to worship from the street mood. Then, it gives people two kinds of music, the contemporary guitar sing along and the lovely classical organ accompanied hymns. Then, there is what may be the best reason of all, our guitarists like it.
Pre-Service Class
Having polished off the Decalogue (Ten Commandments) last Sunday, Father Acker moved on to the Travels of Egeria.
Egeria or Aetheria (often called Sylvia) was a Gallaeci or Gallic (present day France) woman who traveled to the Holy Land about 381–384AD. She wrote an account of her journey in a long letter to a circle of women at home which survives in fragmentary form in a later copy. This is probably the first formal writing by a woman.
Much of the surviving information about Egeria comes from a letter written by the 7th century Galician monk Valerio of Bierzo. He praises Egeria and identifies her as a nun, perhaps because she addresses her account to her "sorores" (Latin for "sisters") at home. On the other hand, during Egeria's time it was common to address fellow lay Christians as "sisters" and "brothers." Valerio may also have believed her to be a nun because she went on such a pilgrimage, although lay women of the time are known to have engaged in such religious tourism.
There is much to suggest that she was not a nun, including: her freedom to make such a long pilgrimage and to change plans as it suited her, the high cost of her pilgrimage, her level of education, and her subject matter which focused on the sights and not miracles like letters by monks of the time.
The fact is no one knows precisely who she was, just that she traveled far and wide, writing about her experiences in a letter now called Itinerarium Egeriae, or the Travels of Egeria. It is sometimes also called Peregrinatio Aetheriae (the Pilgrimage of Aetheria) or Peregrinatio ad Loca Sancta (Pilgrimage to the Holy Lands) or some other combination. The middle part of Egeria's writing survived and was copied in the Codex Aretinus, which was written at Monte Cassino in the eleventh century, while the beginning and end are lost.
The Codex Aretinus was discovered in 1884 by the Italian scholar Gian Francesco Gamurrini, in a monastic library in Arezzo. Egeria describes the monks, many holy places and geographical points in her travels and even the early details of the liturgical practices of the church at Jerusalem.
Egeria's record of her travels to the Holy Land also provides a late 4th century account of liturgical worship in Palestine. The liturgical year was in its incipient stages at the time of her visit. This is invaluable because the development of liturgical worship (e.g. Lent, Palm or Passion Sunday), as well as liturgical practices similar to those in the current Anglican church of the present day, reached universal practice in the 4th century. Egeria provides a first hand account of practices and implementation of liturgical seasons as they existed at the time of her visit. This snapshot is before universal acceptance of a December 25 celebration of the nativity of Jesus; this is very early and very helpful in cataloging the development of annual liturgical worship.
Each Sunday there are Propers: special prayers and readings from the Bible. There is a Collect for the Day; that is a single thought prayer, most written either before the re-founding of the Church of England in the 1540s or written by Bishop Thomas Cranmer, the first Archbishop of Canterbury after the re-founding. The Collect for the Day is to be read on Sunday and during Morning and Evening Prayer until the next Sunday. If you have a hard time remembering, “Do I read the Collect from last Sunday or next Sunday during the week?” Remember Sunday is the first day of the week. There are also two Bible readings, the Epistle and the Gospel. While they are “lessons”, they are not the First Lesson and the Second Lesson, they are the Epistle and the Gospel. The Epistle is normally a reading from one of the various Epistles, or letters, in the New Testament. The Gospel is a reading from one of the Holy Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Collect is said by the minister as a prayer, the Epistle can be read by either a designated reader (as we do in our church) or by one of the ministers and the Holy Gospel, which during the service in our church is read by an ordained minister.
The propers are the same each year, except if a Red Letter Feast, that is one with propers in the prayerbook, falls on a Sunday, then those propers are to be read instead. Red Letter Feast, so called because in the Altar Prayerbooks the titles are in red, are special days. Most of the Red Letter Feasts are dedicated to early saints instrumental in the development of the church, others to special events. Some days are particularly special and the Collect for that day is to be used for an octave (eight days) or an entire season, like Advent. . The Propers for today are found on Page 128-130, with the Collect first:
The Third Sunday in Lent.
The Collect.
WE beseech thee, Almighty God, look upon the hearty desires of thy humble servants, and stretch forth the right hand of thy Majesty, to be our defence against all our enemies; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
And due to the rubric, the Collect for the Day is followed by the Collect for Ash Wednesday, which is found on Page 124:
The first day of Lent, commonly called
Ash Wednesday.
The Collect.
ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who hatest nothing that thou hast made, and dost forgive the sins of all those who are penitent; Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of thee, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
¶ This Collect is to be said every day in Lent, after the Collect appointed for the day, until Palm Sunday.
Dru Arnold read the Epistle for today, which came from the Fifth Chapter of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians beginning at the First Verse. He echoes the advice of St. James in his general epistle to be Christians, not just claim to be followers of Christ, when James wrote, “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”
BE ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour. But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them. For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
The Gospel for this morning came from in the Eleventh Chapter of the Gospel of St. Luke beginning at the Fourteenth Verse.
JESUS was casting out a devil, and it was dumb. And it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake; and the people wondered. But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils. And others, tempting him, sought of him a sign from heaven. But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth. If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub. And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out? therefore shall they be your judges. But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you. When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace: but when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils. He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth. When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out. And when he cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. And it came to pass, as he spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.
Today’s Epistle and Gospel share the same theme. You must walk the talk. You must keep constant vigilance against backsliding, for a fallen Christian is in worse shape than one who was never exposed to The Word. The Epistle and Gospel talk about the curious dichotomy; you are saved by faith, your faith alone saves you, not what you do; yet if you have faith, you must act on that faith. When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and repent of the sin of your former life, you are forgiven of your sins. This is not a signal to keep on sinning and keep on saying you repent. Rather your acceptance of Jesus Christ as your savior and your repentance is the beginning of your life as a New Man in Jesus. Will you slip? Without doubt. But, when you do, will you again repent and continue to do your best to follow the Word of God, the Light and the Truth? Indeed, if you are a Christian that is what you must do. You are called to believe and act on those beliefs to the best of your ability. Remember the second half of the Book of Luke is The ACTS of the Apostles, not thoughts, wishes, prayers or meditations. ACTS.
Sermon - Merciful Transformation
Father Acker provided a summary of his sermon so you can see exactly what he was trying to get across:
Today’s Message: Am I gathering or scattering?
Whoever is not with me is against me,
and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Luke 11.23
This morning we pray to God asking him to “stretch forth the right hand of [his] Majesty, to be our defense against our enemies.” Who are the enemies about which we pray? Certainly it isn’t our personal enemies. God doesn’t oppose those who have some grievance or take action against me. God isn’t my personal Weapon of Mass Destruction.
The Church’s intent is to pray that we might be defended from our true enemies, those who would attack and destroy the work of God and his people. This type of warfare is what we see in our Gospel reading for this Third Sunday in Lent where Jesus is engaged in battle with the great enemy, Satan and forces of evil. Rarely do we see an open battle and conflict with the archangel Michael and his angels battling Satan and his fallen angels. But there is an ongoing battle and conflicts over the possession, the ownership, the heart and soul, of every individual, family, congregation, community, state, and nation. Jesus’ parable about the breaking in of the strong man is about this battle and to whom we belong.
Don’t forget Jesus is the strong man in the parable. Jesus was telling the Pharisees, “I am not Satan’s servant. It isn’t God’s house that I’m breaking into, but Satan’s house.” Jesus has broken down the gates of hell, of sin and death. Satan has been bound. And opened the way to heaven. And Jesus asks, “Who’s house are you in?”
The Gospel message today is “I matter to God. You matter to God.” It matters who’s house I’m in, and to whom do I belong. Do I belong to God, or do I belong to Satan? In my conversion, in committing myself to Jesus, in Baptism I am brought out of sin and the power of the enemy—we renounce sin, the world, and Satan—brought with the blood of Christ from being a possession of Satan, so I might belong to Jesus. As Saint Paul describes it in Colossians (1.13-14)
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
In Jesus, I am taken out of the kingdom of darkness and placed under the kingship of Christ.
What Jesus makes clear is you can’t be stand on the side-line or be neutral as you are the possession, the ground at stake. Jesus died and rose for you. Here is what Jesus says at the end of the parable:
Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Luke 11.23
Either you are with Christ or with Satan. And if you were reminded, lived in the knowledge of this reality, you would see the battles, the attacks, occurring in daily life. The reading from 1 Corinthians is about the conflict, the battle ground of our physical being, in our bodies. To whom does your body belong? It isn’t about being puritans, but being Christ, body and soul.
I need to hear this Gospel each Lent because as sons of Adam and daughters of Eve, the battle hasn’t ceased. I continue to turn from God. Sin is evidence of the battle still occurring in my life. Continually I need to repent and ask God’s forgiveness that the victory which Jesus has won might come to its fullness, that I might find my life wholly and completely and perfectly found in the life of the kingdom of Blessed Trinity.
Today we cry out to God saying, “Lord Jesus, you are the strong man, you are the armor against the evil we face. We need you to be our defense against the attacks of evil in our lives. Be the strong tower, be our defense against the enemy, so that we may enter into the love and joy of your kingdom.” We are praying “deliver us from evil.”
So am I working against Christ or not? Am I gathering or scattering? It is a question I really do need to ask. As Anglicans, our Christian history is a long series of challenges as whether we are gathering or scattering, are we found in Jesus or in something of our own making, some kind of idol worship. It is the conflict that makes for a great epic story. And we recognize the truth of the story as it resonates with the conflict, the battle in our own lives.
When the first Christians of the Roman Empire came to the British Isles in the first century, they were challenged, “How can I make Jesus known to those who worshiped other gods and live in a different culture?” The challenge was that these early Christians might let love and redemption of Jesus be known rather than a Weapon of Mass Destruction which would destroy the heathen in their works of darkness. They would have to let Jesus be the strong man and not themselves. If they were to gather, Jesus would have to be the Savior of these people.
After the collapse of the Roman Empire, Christian missionaries returned to the British Isles at the start of the 7th century and found the Christian Church alive and thriving, what we know as Celtic Christianity. Who would be the strong man? Those of Rome Christianity and those of the Celtic Church would be challenge by Jesus asking “Are you with me or against me? Are you going to gather or scatter?” It was a struggle, but they chose to gather and Christianity of the British Isles took on a unique blended flavor that Jesus was the Lord and Savior in that land.
The reformers of the 16th century were seriously challenged to allow Jesus to be seen and known, to be the strong man. They wished to return to the historic and ancient faith and practice of the early Church. Were they going to be with Jesus or against anything they saw as a perversion of Rome? Were they going to gather with Jesus or scatter to their own ideals? With Jesus as the strong man, Christ Church was both reformed and catholic.
Today I need to ask, “Am I with Jesus, or my own understanding, my own ideals? Am I gathering or am I scattering?” I need the mighty hand of God reaching into my life today, because it is about Jesus. Jesus is the strong man. I need to be with Jesus, gathering, with Jesus who will not only defend against my enemies, but will be the savior. Only in Jesus will others come to know and be known by Almighty God in what I do. Am I gathering, or am I scattering?
Blessed… are those who hear the word of God and keep it! Luke 11.28
New Nametags
We had no new nametags today.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
We had no anniversaries, but we celebrated Keith Acker’s 55th birthday with him!
After Church Hospitality
Holly Lizak brought snacks today, her signature black olive egg salad sandwiches, wonderful chicken curry sandwiches, two kinds of cookies, including the world famous blancos, and red flame seedless grapes. Wonderful!
After church goodies providers as currently signed up:
Date Name
3 April 2011 Mary Lou Ruiz
10 April 2011 Bill and Liz Fuller
17 April 2011 Jan Macauley
24 April 2011 Easter – No Snacks
1 May 2011 Alice Acker and Muriel Pappin
8 May 2011 Greg Chase and Nancy Graham
15 May 2011 Opportunity Available
People in our Prayers -
Prayer is an extremely important activity.
It is not that God knows not our needs, for He surely does. Yet, Jesus commanded us to ask God for those same needs. In addition to the obvious of asking God for help, offering thanksgiving and the like, prayer helps us focus our thoughts on how we might do God's work.
The Prayer Team of the Alpine Anglican Church of the Blessed Trinity was established to help our members and fellow Christians pray for those in need and to give thanks as well for the blessings we have been granted.
Who can be on the list?
Do I have to be a member of the Blessed Trinity Church to be prayed for? No! The only qualification to be on the list is that you want our prayer team to pray for you. We are Christians and are happy to pray for you, no matter who you are. If you want help from God, you are our kind of people.
What is the commitment from the prayer team?
Each member of the team will pray for the desired outcome at least once per day.
How do I get myself or someone else on the prayer list?
You can email one of the prayer team leaders: Greg - or Dru -, or call the church office at (619) 722-1772 or fill out a prayer card at church.
What should I ask for?
Depends on what you want. Some people merely want God to be asked to heal their ills and be mentioned by their first name, others want a specific outcome and / or have more of their personal information known to the team. Ask for what you want. It is your desire and need for prayer the team is attempting to meet. For typical examples, see the list below.
Updating the Team
If you are on our prayer list, or if you have submitted a person that you have asked us to pray for, please update one of the team members or Father Acker in person, by telephone or email. It helps to be able to pray specifically for these individuals including their specific needs; plus if they get better, it is nice to give thanks!
Please note on the yellow (maybe green or orange, if you get an old one) cards at church, you can ask that those to be prayed for have their names disseminated to the "prayer team". Those names will be said in church and appear here. Or, you can ask their names and purpose be kept confidential, then only Father Acker will pray for them.
Prayer List Notice – If you have someone on the prayer list and their needs have changed, please let us know. We are loathe to just stop praying, yet some of the entries are a bit long in the tooth. We don’t mind praying, at all. We just want to be praying for what is needed!
Hap and Dru Arnold celebrated their 24th anniversary with us two weeks ago.
Keith Acker celebrated his 55th birthday with us this week.
Tim is on travel this week.
In need of a miracle or understanding of God’s Plan
Ron Valkenaar, age 80, is hospitalized in Caldwell, Idaho hospital with congestive heart failure. Ron promised his brother Lew he would stay around at least another five years and his family would appreciate that. Ron’s wife Betty is at his side, though she is still recovering from kidney removal surgery. Please pray for God’s guidance in their lives and that they might be at peace with His Plan.
Todd and Kenny have both been fighting osteocarcinoma for over five years and have been told their time here on earth is nearing its end, absent a miracle from God. Both are ready to go home and leave the pain, but would like to stay. Please pray for them and their families.
Peaceful Transition
Otis is in hospice care.
Peter Hunter is in hospice palliative care and needs his wife Susan's continuous care. Please pray for peace of mind through trust in our Lord for both of them as Peter passes from this world to his home. Pray also for their friends and family.
Mike passed away 27 February 2011.
Dave long time face of Hilltop Supply passed away on 24 February 2011. His smile will be missed by all in the community. Please pray for the repose of his soul and comfort for his family who remain behind.
Mary, Donna, Betty, Noko, Adelaide, Evelyn, Lorraine, Ellie, Ray (Alzheimer’s Disease)
Marge, Christian, Lois, Ruth, Connie, Tom, Crystal, Thomas, Hadley, Diane, Norm, Gregory, Nancy, Bill (infection), Ernie, Ray, Hazel, Bruce (waiting for heart transplant), Susanne, Ralph+ (prostate cancer; the doctors are at a loss on the decreasing cancer cell count except prayer; please add your thanksgiving to the prayers for healing.), Allison (kidney), Bill (ETOH poisoning and gout), Kai, Jay, Tim, Diane, Amy (Thyroid cancer), Evelyn, Debbie, Lona (shoulders), Paul (stroke), Doris, Charles, Marie (sprained ankle), June (cancer surgery), Susan, Jeff, David (leg injury), Judy, who suffers from mental illness, is undergoing tests for cancer, Greg, June (cancer), David (leg sprain), Cheri, Ben, Walter (skin cancer), Gabriella (surgery), Curtis, Doyle, Martha, Richard, Ralph+, Jeffrey, Rod, Gary, Mark, Jeffery, Jennifer, Curtis, Steve (cancer), Ashton, Marjorie, Mike G, Dave (knee surgery), Jeffrey (testing), Gary (sepsis; diabetic), Jim (stomach cancer), Kathleen (breast cancer), Mrs. Alvord, Angie, Madge, Jeannie (testing for breast cancer), Ed, Betty, Karl (Healing of his shoulder injury, but not having surgery), Stephen, Curtis; Angie, Madge, Veronica, Carmen, Dave (surgery recovery), Ed S (liver failure), Martin, Pauline, Pat A (Alzheimer’s: things are stable); Charles A (Alzheimer’s: slight improvement in general awareness that he is disappointed not being allowed to drive), Susan, Lillian, Rob, Ken, Marlene, Emma W (Brain tumor), Vivian, Kelly (undergoing test unexpectedly), Veronica, Irith, Shirley, TP, David, Mark, Doris, Mary, Ken, Rick, Mike, Don, Sandy, Fern (healing from fall, but still weak), Louis, Alan P (Stress test for chest pain), Lydia, Burton (neurological back pain), Terry (Breast Cancer; surgery 3 Aug10), Goodwin Family, Kathy who had surgery for a reoccurrence of cancer, Susan A, Dorothea, Liz F (diabetes and vertigo), Robert, John, Liz, Jack, Bill, Corina, Liz, Robert, Mark, Paul, Gilbert, Susan, Jeff, Addison, Gene, Kathy (low platelet count due to chemo treatment), Larry F., Bill F. (swelling of ankles), Mabel (stroke), Gabriela G. (terrorist shooting), Chloe, Sheila, Ryan (abdominal pain), Ronnie, Trevor, Scott (physical and testing), Alice, Liz, Charles, Vince, Rachel, Fred, Pete, Dot, Jim, Frank, Pete (heart muscle regulation), Betty, Bert, Ronnie, Patty, Jack, Jenny, Eric, Marty, Chris B, Ellen A (Heart CCU), Eunice (Knee replacement)
June K has the shingles and did not get appropriate treatment until just recently. Please pray for her peace of mind, comfort and full and rapid recovery.
Hal Campbell underwent apparently successful surgery for a cancerous lesion on the inside of his cheek and the associated lymph node on 7 March 2011, at the VA hospital in Seattle. Please give thanks for the successful surgery and pray for a complete and rapid recovery.
Rick White had a massive heart attack on 15 February 2011, which he thankfully survived. He had two stents put in right away and two other coronary arteries successfully bypassed on 21 February 2011. Please join Rick and his family for praying a prayer of thanksgiving for him surviving the heart attack and a successful surgery. Pray also for peace of mind for Rick and his family, trust in God and a full recovery.
Chelsea, age 17, was hit by a car while walking home from a friend's house the night of 19 February 2011. She hit the windshield of the car then went over the back onto the pavement. She is in Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego, but awake awake and talking! She has a long recovery ahead of her, including surgeries on her ankle and the several compound fractures of her leg. But she's conscious and lucid--a great step forward! Thanks be to God! Please pray for Chelsea's complete recovery, for her parents Rick and Tina, and for the medical team treating her.
Jason Gillis has a foot infection, which has resulted in hospitalization for IV antibiotics. Please pray for his complete and rapid recovery.
Kyle Thompson, CPL USMC was injured was seriously wounded while on foot patrol in Helmand Province of Afghanistan on 25 October 2010. He has been released to Camp Pendleton on casual status until his medical condition is clear. Likely he will be medically discharged.
You can reach out to him by emailing his father, Mike Thompson, at We may have a new address soon.
Todd Love, CPL USMC was seriously wounded while on foot patrol in Helmand Province of Afghanistan on 25 October 2010. Todd and his squad leader, Kyle Thompson, were hit by an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) during a routine patrol. The IED took both of Todd’s legs and part of his left arm. Pray for peace of mind, courage and healing for Todd. Pray for the medical teams treating him.
Todd is doing incredibly! He is “walking” on an arm and half! Falling, but getting back up and walking. Todd is amazing!
See video of Todd walking on his new bionic short legs. He is a fearless hobbit! If you don’t look at the videos, you are really missing out!
Send Todd a note or log on to
Shamim Gray underwent a lumpectomy on Saturday 6 November 2010 at Bethesda Naval Hospital, with apparent great result. Please give thanks for the successful surgery, the good result and a quick recovery. Please pray for a complete remission of the cancer. Pray also Shamim will maintain her great attitude and trust in God.
Judith Clingwall, afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), suffered a major setback in her coping with the disease. She is currently in a extended care facility. Please pray for her strength, peace of mind, trust in God and remission of the disease so she might return home to her family. Pray also for strength for her husband Martin as he deals with all the problems and stress of Judith’s situation.
Victor is a senior in declining health who is a non-believer whose trust is in science. He appears to have congestive heart failure, as well as a Urinary Tract Infection and a viral infection in his lungs. He feels terrible and as might be expected is depressed. Please pray for healing for Victor and peace of mind through trust in God for Victor and his wife Karen as well as the rest of his family and friends.
Becky Madden is paralyzed from the neck down as the result of a tragic shooting accident. She has made it home and to church in a new donated magic wheelchair. Please pray for further recovery for Becky, as well as strength and guidance for each of those involved.
Won King had a small stroke near the end of August, the only residual appears to be a loss of vision in her left eye. Please pray for a complete healing and give thanks for the great progress so far.
JJ Davies, age 11, sustained a crushing injury to his left hand on 1 September 2010, which resulted in the loss of four fingers. He is still dealing with the loss of the fingers, but doing amazingly well. Please pray for continued healing in his hand and arm. Pray for courage, strength and trust for JJ and his family.
Nancy Belk’s breast cancer had been in remission for seven years. It has apparently resurfaced in metastasized into her lungs and her arm. Please pray for treatment that will help her, as well as strength and comfort for both her and her family.
George Seddon woke to excruciating pain the morning of 2 January 2011. Please pray for resolution. He is a pharmacist and church leader in Georgia whose bladder cancer returned spreading to his pelvis a year ago is home after surgery on Monday 29 November 2010. The surgeon believes he was successful in removing ALL of the tumor in George's leg which was wrapped around his sciatic nerve.
Please give thanks for George walking and continue to pray for George's complete healing; pray for peace of mind for George, his wife LaVonda, and their children Megan and George III. Their faith is great, but so is their need.
Mary Jo for guidance in taking care of her husband.
Betty Macauley, Tim’s mom, is currently in a state of failing health. Please pray she will gain interest in life around her and actively pursue life here on earth. Please pray for her family, in particular her son Tim, as they try to help her.
Lauralee underwent a lumpectomy on Friday after Thanksgiving. A further anomaly has been discovered and she had additional preventative radiation treatment. Please pray for a complete remission of the cancer. Pray also Lauralee will maintain her great attitude and trust in God.
Luca, 5 years old, from our church family in Perth, Western Australia, who has just been diagnosed with leukemia. And for his Mum and Dad and extended family.
Jere Wolfe, Melanie Zimmers’ dad, has cardiomyopathy, a weakening of the heart muscle. He has been recovering slowly from severe anemia which affected his heart condition. Jere’s heart rate is down to 30 and he needs a pacemaker installed, but needs to waiting until they get an infection and fluid levels under control. Surgery is now scheduled for 14 February 2011, Valentines Day, what better auger for heart surgery! Please pray for the pacemaker installation to be done quickly and successfully and for Jere to maintain his trust in the Lord.
Greg Chase asks that you pray for his family:
Diane, Greg’s wife, to see some positive physical signs for the ongoing treatment of her ulcerative colitis, however now she is suffering the effects of shingles
Phyllis, Greg’s mom, to gain physical strength to overcome her frailties after her recent "small" stroke.
Rede Acker, Father Acker’s mom, seems to have done well recovering from her broken leg, just above where she had a knee replacement. She and her husband Jack are planning on traveling to visit the kids in a few weeks! This is wonderful! Please pray a prayer of thanksgiving for the good progress and pray for her continued health.
Evelyn Hunt is still having difficulty with her medication and other related problems. Please pray the doctor might find the right medication and doses for her treatment. Please pray for God's peace and goodness to surround her.
Wanda M is still out of work due to her Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Please pray for her complete and rapid recovery, as well as her to keep her spirits up while she gets better.
Vince (age 13), reoccurrence of cancer, recent testing found a nickel sized tumor in his lungs. The doctors are consulting with a specialist in Houston. Please pray for guidance for the medical team and for peace of mind for Vince and his family.
Matt Alcantara, age 15, has Osteosarcoma (bone cancer), a very rare and often lethal form of cancer with limited treatment options. This with a disease that is about 90 percent fatal in that same time period. He has no hip joint on one side, but he walks and swims! Courage? Guts? You bet! And CLEAN SCANS! Thanks be to God for the way things have gone. Thanks also for the great faith of Matt and his entire family. Their faith and trust is a wonderful example for each and every one of us. But, now is not the time to stop praying. Actually, it never is the time to stop praying!
Lee Thomas is in assisted living after a stroke and after a limited recovery. Lee is doing a tad better with his speech, but his balance is so bad he cannot walk unassisted even with his walker. There are times when he knows what is going on around him and with family, etc. but other times when nothing seems to register. It's very sad for him. He wants to be home, he cannot live there safely. Please pray for Lee, his family, and the care staff. Please pray for Lee, Sandy and their children to maintain their trust in God and to look towards Him for guidance. Pray also for the medical team treating Lee that God might guide and direct their assessment and treatment.
Vicky developed a brain aneurysm a year and a half ago. Vicky is home and making progress. She is now walking without a cane, which is real progress. However, the gains on her thought process are much slower. Her husband ran into a store and told her to just wait in the car for him; within a couple of minutes he saw her wandering through the front door. He's now keeping the car keys hidden. She repeats anything she tells you several times in the same conversation. She's come an incredibly long way but still has a long way to go.
Please pray for Vicky’s recovery and for peace of mind for her husband Doug and family, that they might keep their trust in the Lord.
Obra Gray continues to take day by day. Please continue to keep Obra in your prayers, and give him the strength of knowing the Lord is with him and will never forsake him. Obra needs security of what lies ahead of him, and only the Lord can grant the solace to answer his prayer.
Cerrus, daughter in law of Hy, has had a relapse of her cancer. Please pray for a successful treatment and remission.
David is suffering from shingles and asks that we pray for a remission of the symptoms and a return to normalcy.
Jimmy had a stroke along with triple bypass heart surgery. Miney Farrell asks you pray for his recovery and positive frame of mind during his recovery.
Annie S continues her recovery from the kidney transplant and is doing incredibly well! Please give thanks for the great progress to date and pray for continued recovery.
Bashir Ahmed, father of Shamim Gray, has been blessed with the Lord's breath of life to stay on this earth for the time being. But, things are hard for him and his loving wife, who cares for him. They have two young nieces living with them who see no real need to help, pray for God to enter their hearts. Above all, pray for his entire family to open their hearts to accept all God’s love will bring them.
Mary Parker is currently in rehabilitation to learn to walk properly again. Please pray for a positive attitude for her and a great result.
Miney Farrell has pain and weakness in her leg. She asks that you pray for strength to work hard on physical exertion required to regain her strength. She also thanks God for the wonderful people she lives with.
Lorraine Winkles is dealing with the arthritis, but her shingles have resurfaced. She asks your prayer in dealing with the accompanying discomfort.
Kay Denton (Mrs. Kay) is still home and doing pretty well considering the bones in her neck and hands are degenerating as a side effect of her kidney failure. Her thumbs are not particularly useful any more. Mrs. Kay asks everyone who is praying for her know how grateful she is for their prayers. As always, she retains her trust in the Lord and her positive attitude.
Natalie (age 10, leukemia recurrence) has not responded to any treatment since her relapse. Please pray for God’s grace for Natalie and her family to give them peace of heart, soul and mind.
June D, Adam, Tom, Mary, Lloyd & Jennifer to be guided to a church
Breyana, Vie, Asha, Cory, Heather, Holly, William, Phil, Rick, Susan, Curtis, Donny, Chris, Keith (job decision), Sara (God's grace and His patience), Mark, Alexandra, Perlita, Lewis, Susie, Dru, Jack, Tina, William, Christina, Tuck, Jeff, Christiana (God’s grace), Errin, Elizabeth, Brandon, Steven, Nelson, Ashley, Betty who is considering moving into an assisted living home, Nick, Pat, Caroline, Stephen, Greg (vocation guidance and training for the diaconate), Stephanie, Richard, Daniel, Sheryl, Edward, Jeannie, Rachel, Mikaela, Patrick, Mary (adoption); Ashley (job); Curt; Steven (strength); Vanessa H (trust), Jackie (God's grace), Jennifer, Virginia, Jeanie (upset over her husband's cancer problems), Curt (Still providing care for his wife, Jacque, who is undergoing chemotherapy), Alex, Emilie, Stephen, Daniel S, Jan, Tamera (her house is being taken by eminent domain and is in settlement phase; pray for a fair settlement), Rachel, Stephen, Paul, Seth C, Alan P (to control his feelings), Cris, Sean, Lesa, Kenny, Carmen, Jeff, Jane (Bereavement of Caroline's death), Elizabeth B (Graduation from High School; preparation for Point Loma Nazarene), Kenny P (Graduation from High School), John, Cole, Gabe, Toni as she cares for Terry who is undergoing breast cancer treatment, Christy, Ray, Alan (stress in family matters), Kenny (dealing with not being able to physically qualify for the Coast Guard), Sol F, Alex, Emilie, Delores, Will, Vinnie, Colleen and family, Maureen and family, Billy, Barbie, Robert, Terry, Tony, Sue (husband passed away after a long illness), June, Veronica, Richard, Ryan, Karen F., Toni, Carmen, Vince, Vicki, Rick, Anthony, Salvatore, Danielle to be guided to God, Marcella, Mark, Stephen, Richard, Jenny, Beth, Byron, Hector, Virginia, Nick, Nancy (legal proceeding), Rachel, Stephen, Susan, Hap, Don, Keith, Virginia R, Joy, Steve, Ruby and Crew, Betty, Eric, Mary, Terry
James Edward Gerard Fox asks that you please pray for him as he is not well in mind and body and needs raising up to perfection by God through our Lord Jesus. James suffers from anxiety and depression. He is desperate, he has bad asthma, panic attacks and blackouts - his mind and thinking is disordered. He asks for a complete lasting miracle in order to heal him. He feels a tormenting unclean spirit inside him that needs taking out for good. Pray for him to accept God’s help.
Steve asks that you pray for difficulties he is having with his family. Please pray that the Holy Ghost will enter into his heart and provide him with the heaven sent inspiration that he needs to see clearly and deal with problems and the courage to do what needs to be done in the manner it should be done.
Helen and her family are in need of God’s guidance that they might do His will, see things His way and hopefully come together through His love.
Sol and his family are in need of God’s guidance that they might do His will, see things His way and hopefully come together through His love.
Louis is in need of God's guidance and direction. Please pray that Louis might see God’s outstretched hand to him and guide him in all he does.
Mark Thomas is in need of God's guidance and direction. Please pray that Mark might take note God’s outstretched hand to him and accept his guidance in all he does.
Ali is searching for spiritual meaning; may the Holy Ghost guide those around her to help her in coming to Christ.
Jacquie to open her heart to God and accept His Love and Grace.
Noriene for God's comfort as she mourns her mother and for her to turn to God for His healing.
Paul S asked everyone to give thanks that his doctor is adjusting his medication for severe schizophrenia.
Hap asks you to pray that he might be able to trust God will help him make the right decisions at the right time and not to worry uselessly and that he will open his heart to the Holy Ghost.
Guidance and Protection
Christina, Sarah
Economic Guidance and Assistance
Keith has been unable to find any full-time work since his custom home drafting business of 25 years really dropped off last year. He is working as a handyman, doing tile work, painting, home repairs, etc. Pray also for God's peace to comfort them and for His leading and wisdom to be very evident to them.
Mark’s business is very very slow, he asks that God point him to new markets and give him guidance in following God’s will that his business might survive and his employees not lose their livelihood.
To Find Employment, Housing and Other Needs
Father Keith is looking for additional employment to supplement his part-time stipend at Blessed Trinity. Keith believes his expertise lies in web site development and guitar teaching, both of which he is clearly good at. Please pray the Holy Ghost will enter into his heart and give him inspiration and guidance to lead him to a job which will use his considerable skills to support his family, bless the company he joins and further God’s Work, all together.
Jack has been laid off from his job as a construction manager in East San Diego County; due to the economy jobs in the field are hard to find. Please pray that Jack will find a job, not necessarily in the construction, that will allow him to use his considerable skills and talents to make his new employer more successful; guide him and his family is this difficult time.
Peter, Keith and Kevin each to find a job that will allow them to use their skill and talent to make their new employer more successful.
Armed Forces & Contractors
Tillman, Justin, RJ, Matt, Phillip, Julian, John Kelly (USN - USS Ronald Reagan), Evan (USMC-Afghanistan), Stuart (USMC-Afghanistan), Airman Donny Patton (RAF Mildenhall, UK), Josh (USCG), Julian (USMC), Jordan (USMC – Boot Camp 8 April 2011 Graduation), Neal (USN-Afghanistan), Trevor (USAF-Libya)
Around the world, Christians are under attack, not only in the Muslim world, but from Hindus and others in India. Also, they are under continual attack in the name of “Separation of Church and State” in the western world, as it becomes actively atheist or pro-devil buddy. Please pray for God’s guidance and protection for all persecuted Christians and those around them.
Nancy gives thanks for finding a solution to her need for housing and asks for God’s help as she seeks employment at both Viejas and Donovan Prison.
Walter experienced serious angina and underwent heart catheterization on Monday 14 March 2011. In his mother’s words, “Yesterday was amazing for Walter. 90 minutes on the operating table, and he had 3 stents put into an artery that was 99% blocked (all the other arteries were clear, large, and healthy)! He watched the whole procedure on the machine just as the Cardiologist was seeing it, and next week we can go to Asheville and get a copy of the whole thing! We were there at 7:00 and home before 3:00! He is restricted only in "no driving for 3 days) in fear of a sudden stop that might pop the plug out of the place of insertion. He goes back to work on Friday. Oh how much we have to be thankful for... the Lord's mercy... and the many friends that were praying for him! Thanks to all of you, what would we do without you! Love.” Please pray a prayer of thanksgiving for the great result and ask for a rapid and complete recovery. May this experience bring Walter and his mother deeper in their love for our Lord.
Jack Arnold had apparently successful oral surgery on Tuesday 15 March 2011 to graft bone to his jaw so some teeth can be installed. Please give thanks for the safe surgery and good work on the part of his surgeon. Please pray for a good end result and a rapid recovery.
Joan Balslev underwent what appears to be a very successful second lumbar surgery on 14 March 2011, her seventh surgery in the past couple of years. Please give thanks for the excellent result and pray for a complete and rapid recovery.
Kay had a serious stroke on 8 March 2011, the result of a blot clot. Her medications have been changed, the clot dissolved and her brain responded correctly. She has apparently no residual effects from the stroke. Please pray a prayer of thanksgiving for her recovery, both for her, her family and friends; let them keep their faith in God, good times and bad.
Various Special Requests
We ask that you pray, please ask God that the Holy Ghost might give you insight into how you might make the lives of your friends and family better. Remember helping others is not just those who you don’t know!
Please join us in praying for God to fill us with the Holy Ghost, even if (or maybe particularly if) we need Him shoved down our throats, to provide inspiration to grow our little church to the glory of God. Our numbers are building slowly; we need God’s inspiration to figure out where to go next or keep on keeping on. Please pray we will open our heart to the gentle prodding of the Holy Ghost; and not do what we have always done expecting a different result.
Please join us in praying that the Free Teen Guitar Class will be continue to be an opportunity for God to work in the lives of the kids and their families. Please ask God to guide the class to new opportunities to make Him known to others. Help us to let the love of our Lord shine through us into their lives, putting Him first, so that He might enter in to their hearts and lives.
Question that only you can ask
What would you like to know about our history, what we believe, what we do or how we operate? Father Acker is looking for material for the continuing education class and the Beadle is looking for Thought for the Day material. Help us help you. Please send your question to the Beadle so we all can get an answer. Just because you don’t know the answer to your question doesn’t mean you are the only one who doesn’t know. But, if you don’t ask, no one will know.
I’d like to get a different point across or announce something
If you have a different point of view, I would be happy to give you room to get your point across. While this publication is my perspective on events, I recognize not everyone may agree and that some people would like to express their own opinion. If you want to write something, please forward your item to the Beadle (with a note as to whether or not you would like editing help) to:
Epistle Readers
We post the list of Epistle Readers in the Beadle’s Report each week so you can either plan your attendance or your pre-reading as the spirit so moves you.
Date Reader
3 April 2011 Stephanie Boyd
10 April 2011 Greg Chase
17 April 2011 Jan Macauley
24 April 2011 Nancy Graham
The near future, as well as Next Sunday
You can go on line here and see our church calendar.
Calendar Location -
Church Facebook Groups Page -
Or, email the Beadle at for an emailed link.
1 April 2011 – Stations of the Cross – Service start time 1830 (6:30 pm); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); Time 1830 (6:300 pm); Location – Victoria Chapel, Victoria House 2828 North Victoria Drive, Alpine, CA
3 April 2011 – Fourth Sunday in Lent – First Sunday of the Month – Free Teen Guitar Class Sunday – All Guitar music for the service! Service start time 1000 (10:00 am); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); Time 1000 (10:00 am); Location – Alpine Elementary School Auditorium – 1850 Alpine Boulevard, Alpine, CA
8 April 2011 – Stations of the Cross – Service start time 1830 (6:30 pm); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); Time 1830 (6:300 pm); Location – Victoria Chapel, Victoria House 2828 North Victoria Drive, Alpine, CA
10 April 2011 – Fifth Sunday in Lent – Passion Sunday – Service start time 1000 (10:00 am); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); Time 1000 (10:00 am); Location – Alpine Elementary School Auditorium – 1850 Alpine Boulevard, Alpine, CA
15 April 2011 – Stations of the Cross – Service start time 1830 (6:30 pm); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); Time 1830 (6:300 pm); Location – Victoria Chapel, Victoria House 2828 North Victoria Drive, Alpine, CA
17 April 2011 – Palm Sunday – Service start time 1000 (10:00 am); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); After church and snacks we will be having our bi-monthly Vestry Meeting. The meeting is open to all parish members. Time 1000 (10:00 am); Location – Alpine Elementary School Auditorium – 1850 Alpine Boulevard, Alpine, CA
20 April 2011 – Instructional Seder Dinner – Come find out what the events underlying the Last Supper were all about while enjoying an exceptional dinner with friends – If you need more encouragement, there are a minimum of four rounds of drinks involve. If you don’t drink alcohol, not to worry, the Beadle does not either and there is grape juice and sparkling apple cider on hand for us. The dinner is free to parishioners and $10.00 to guests, if they need to be charged to feel comfortable, otherwise free to them also! This is a deal, normally Instructional Seders are about $50.00 a head. - Time 1830 (6:30 pm); Location – SCAIR Learning Center – 2218 Alpine Boulevard, Alpine, CA
21 April 2011 – Maunday Thursday – Foot Washing – Time 1815 (6:15 pm); Location – Victoria House Chapel - 2828 North Victoria Drive, Alpine, CA
22 April 2011 – Good Friday Service – Time 1815 (6:15 pm); Location – Victoria House Chapel - 2828 North Victoria Drive, Alpine, CA
24 April 2011 – Easter Sonrise Service – California Sunrise, Honolulu Time, or whatever! Sleep in and celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior outside! Outdoor service in the Park. If you are a bit hard of moving, you can just about drive to your chair! Join us afterwards for breakfast with the Kiwanis at the school. Time 0830 (8:30 am); Location – Alpine Community Center Park, 1830 Alpine Boulevard, Alpine, CA
29 April 2011 – Last Friday of the Month – Free Teen Guitar Class Jam Session – Albertsons Parking Lot, or Starbucks if you are really cool. Join us for Christian Rock, Classic Christian, Riff Rock and Blues Jamming, then Manañas afterwards to talk about it – Time 1830 (6:30 pm); Location – Alpine Albertsons Parking Lot – 2955 Alpine Boulevard, Alpine, CA
29 April 2011 – Last Friday of the Month – Free Teen Guitar Class Jam Session – Albertsons Parking Lot, or Starbucks if you are really cool. Join us for Christian Rock, Classic Christian, Riff Rock and Blues Jamming, then Manañas afterwards to talk about it – Time 1830 (6:30 pm); Location – Alpine Albertsons Parking Lot – 2955 Alpine Boulevard, Alpine, CA
28 May 2011 – Cobblestone Cottage Tea Party – Cost $20.00, including tea and tip. Contact Jan Macauley to sign up – Time 1400 (2:00 pm); Location – Cobblestone Cottage – 1945 Alpine Boulevard, Alpine, CA
Scheduling Announcements from the Minister: Lent is here!
Easter Sunrise For Late Risers: 8:30am at Alpine Community Center Park
Now is the time to invite friends. For those needing handicap access you can drive right up to the seating area (call or email for details). Remember the Church will buy breakfast for any of your newcomers at the Kiwanis Easter Breakfast next door. We'll just walk across the way.
Holy Week Services:
Palm Sunday with blessing of Palms, April 17th, 10am at Alpine Elementary School Auditorium
Holy Wednesday Instructional Seder, April 20th, 6:30pm at SCAIR Learning Center; This involves a meal. Sign up sheet.
Maundy Thursday, April 21st, 6:15pm Evening Prayer, 6:30pm Holy Communion and Foot washing, at Victoria House
Good Friday, April 22nd
Noon, Ecumenical Biblical Stations of the Cross, Queen of Angels
6:15pm EP, 6:30pm Good Friday Liturgy at Victoria House
Vigil of Easter (Holy Saturday Night, April 23rd), Vigil with the Lighting of the Easter Fire and First Evensong of Easter, 7:30pm at Victoria House, First Dessert of Easter.
Easter Day, April 24th, 8:30am at Alpine Comm. Park